Wednesday, May 20, 2020

SihanoukVille (Westport) 2020.

May 2020, and SihanoukVille is still  here!

in 2006, SihanoukVille was still here as well.

The town (city) is empty now, due to Coronavirus, the ban on On-line gambling, and road construction.

We hope it will be full, soon.

The city's change a bit since the old days (2017)

It's all a construction zone now, with skyscrapers all over town.  The roads are all torn up due to the construction and are all being rebuilt from the ground (or 2 meters below the ground) up.

Electricity, water, internet and a few other things are in short supply. 

Not a great vacation spot at the moment.

But maybe in the near future???

Oh.  And the city is now known as Westport, the Chinese name for the city.

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